How to Take Free Courses on Coursera for Students

How to get any course on Coursera for free… financial aid letter sample Note: please change the template according to the nature of course that you registered for. Simple steps to follow… Apply for Financial Aid on Coursera by simply clicking on Financial Aid available. You will see… 3 questions to answer in excellent way. Sample 1 1. Why are you applying for Financial Aid? (150 words minimum required) Ans: I’m a student from ------- and want to learn ---------. I think it will be beneficial for my work. But I’ve no job of my own to carry the expenses to pay for the certificate of this course. I live only for my scholarship,it is very much difficult for me to gather such amount of money for the certificate. Financial Aid will help me take this course without any adverse impact on my monthly essential needs. So I’m badly in need of this financial aid.I want to take this course as I want to learn.This Course will boost my job prospects after graduation from my institute. It will help perform better in understanding and learning this technology and give me an edge over my competitors. A verified certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course.I plan to complete all assignments on or before time as I have done in previous Signature Track Courses. Also I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online courses I have taken on Coursera. I also plan to grade assignments which are to peer reviewed which I believe will an invaluable learning opportunity. 2. How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals? (150 words minimum required) Ans: My main career goal is to learn every day. I really want to learn and to progress in my career. -------------- requires constant learning and improving. Taking this course will help me to learn and study this --------------- and also to implement it. It can help me advance in my knowledge.This course will help me in defining ---------, -----------,---------- could potentially impact our business and industry, to write a thought leadership piece regarding use cases and industry potential that are shaping this technology as we speak. Identifying which aspects of ------------ seem most important and relevant to us, Walking away with a strong foundation in where ----------- is going, what it does, and how to prepare for it. -------------- course will help me achieve it to learn. Courses on Coursera helped me to greatly increase my programming knowledge in the past. Would you consider using a low-interest loan to pay for your courses? Selected: NO 3. If you answered no, please help us understand why. Ans: I don’t have enough money to invest in my education, I can invest only my time now. Sample 2 Why are you applying for a scholarship? (150 words minimum required) I am a third year bachelor . student at the institute of ----------------, University of -----------. Although I am a fully-funded scholarship recipient, the scholarship salary is around ----$ per month which is very low if to compare with the higher living expense in Europe Thus, my bachelor's . scholarship is not sufficient to save money in order to attend courses like this. At the same time, I am not aware of any source at the University of ------------ which gives money to support attending any course or specialization like this. For this, it is really difficult for me to save money to spend elsewhere. How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals? (150 words minimum required) As a part of my bachelor's research, I am working on the causes and consequences of butterfly migration, and considering their global distribution for the analysis. Of the four pre-planned chapters, the second one aims to find the hotspots of migratory butterflies and the third one aims to investigate how protected areas are conserving migratory butterflies by collating the distribution of protected areas and migratory butterflies and will also reveal where we should focus. For this, I need to have a very good understanding of Data Analysis. Apart from that, I dream to become a conservationist in the near future, who will dedicatedly work in developing countries. To achieve my goal, it is necessary to have a precise knowledge of creating and arranging datasets, and playing with the figures. Without having the fundamental skill on exploratory data analysis, it’s kind of impossible both to proceed with my bachelor . chapter plan and to touch my career goal. I think it is worth to mention that I have successfully completed three other courses on Coursera with excellent grades. Note : after applying for financial aid don't start your course immediately . Your application will approve after 15 days and you will also receive an approval email then you can start your course . I'm this way you don't need to pay even a single rupee for any course and you will get a free certificate after completion of course . This is just a sample please make some changes..... Note: I would ike to thank the original contributor to this post.


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