Interview with Nanjig University's International Office During my PhD (October-2020)


Name: Wajid Rafique

Chinese Name: 李进

Nationality: Pakistani 巴基斯坦

Major: Computer Science and Technology 计算机科学与技术

Research Field: Internet of Things Services Orchestration 物联网服务部署

Awards:2019 CSC excellent international student scholarship award


2019 Jiangsu Provincial Government Scholarship

2019 江苏省政府奖学金 

I did my master’s degree in software engineering from the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) of Pakistan, which is the top rank engineering university in Pakistan. Faculty of computer science and technology of Nanjing University owns a greater reputation around the world. Therefore, I contacted professors relevant to my research area and I was able to secure admission under the prestigious Chinese Government Scholarship to pursue my Ph.D. at Nanjing University.



Introduction of papers published this time


李进:I have been lucky enough that my article has recently been published in the IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, which is a prestigious journal in the field of computer sciences having an impact factor of 22.97. This article was based on a novel idea of integrating cloud computing and the Internet of things infrastructures for service provisioning using smart sensors.

非常幸运,我的文章最近发表在IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials上,这是计算机科学领域的著名期刊,影响因子为22.97。本文基于云计算与物联网基础架构集成在一起以使用智能传感器进行服务提供的新颖思想。

What is the effort behind it?


李进:One of the most important aspects of achieving this goal was to set a bigger target for myself, which ultimately instigated me to put a relevant amount of effort into achieving it. Then came handwork, consistency, and regularity, I have learned that a focus on pursuing smaller milestones every day helped me in keep moving toward a bigger goal, as these smaller steps don't feel overwhelming. Then, inertia takes over and once we are in motion, it’s easier to continue our journey to achieve a bigger target. Focusing on achieving something and consistently working toward it allows you to utilize the power of intention, which yields extraordinary results.


What are the difficulties encountered?


李进:It has been a very wonderful experience pursuing my Ph.D. research at the faculty of computer sciences and technology at Nanjing University. As I am still pursuing my Ph.D., a matter of fact is that a Ph.D. life is full of challenges and exhausting experiences. Ph.D. students face multiple challenges, including academic directives, publication requirements, loneliness, and hopelessness when they are not able to achieve the desired results. Sometimes Ph.D. students find themselves in despair, however, some encouraging feedback from your advisor or good words from your friends can motivate you in getting out of such a situation. The key is to keep on hitting your target regularly and don’t lose hope. Luckily, I did not encounter that many difficulties, my advisor, and lab fellows were always there to help me whenever I needed any help. Moreover, my lab is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, and most importantly brilliant minds around me are always there to help me whenever I am stuck to a problem.


How to solve them?


李进:As a Ph.D. candidate, you should be independent enough to deal with the research challenges with continuous effort, passion, and consistency. My way of dealing with these challenges is by sparing some time from my research for extracurricular activities. One of the best aspects of studying at Nanjing University is that you can always find various opportunities to exhibit your extracurricular skills. These experiences gave me more freedom and time to relax from the tough research routine, which enhanced my focus toward academic challenges as well. Moreover, students can arrange their own activities by sparing some time out of their research, including reading a favorite book, occasional cooking, playing sports, and other such activities.


What kind of help did you get from your supervisor?


李进:I was lucky enough to have a Ph.D. mentor like Professor Dou Wanchun who is always there to guide me whenever I needed any help. He always strived me to think big and set higher standards for me. His constant encouragement was vital in making this paper a reality. He spent endless hours proofreading this research paper and providing me excellent suggestions, which always resulted in improved versions of this paper. He guided me to become a thorough researcher and encouraged me to determine appropriate solutions and methodologies to organize the research findings. I am always full of confidence and motivation, whenever I leave his office after discussion. I want to see him often as it brings more energy in me and leaves me with a glimpse of a smile on my face after our meeting. The best feature of his unique character is being a great listener, he is always there to listen and provide sincere advice about anything I hoped for. I went with him to Zhangjiajie for an IEEE conference in 2019 which gave me the opportunity to know more about him as a as a travel-companion as well as an academician. Without his encouragement and continuous guidance, I would not have completed this milestone.


What are your plans for the future?


李进:I will work hard and will try to achieve more scientific achievements during my Ph.D.


李进:As a matter of fact, I am still pursuing my Ph.D. research; however, I have learned that the Ph.D. is not like other academic degrees, it requires extreme self-motivation, focus, enthusiasm towards the research work, and peacefulness. To be successful in Ph.D. life, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve, to be better, and to get a little closer to your goals. I would like to say that a Ph.D. student should be mature enough to accept failures and rejections too. A time comes in your research when you find yourself stuck to some challenges. That’s the hardest point and you need to keep moving and try to find resources that could be beneficial for you at this point. 


Suggestions for Ph.D. students



1) Plan your day. In a Ph.D., it’s very easy to put things off to the next day, as there are no strict deadlines. It takes a lot of self-motivation to take action towards getting a self-paced project like a Ph.D. done. Focus on accomplishing specific tasks, not just spending some amount of hours in the lab. Sometimes I’ll set aside times on my calendar to work on certain tasks I know I need to do and will try to schedule other commitments around those times. With this, I’m more likely to efficiently work towards accomplishing a task, rather than feeling like I’m just keeping my chair warm and figuring out what to do next when I get to the lab in the morning.


2) Do something that’s not your research. People who seem happiest have lives outside of school/research and are often physically active one way or another. Everyone needs an outlet that helps them relieve the stress of the Ph.D. and support their mental health. If you’re not mentally healthy, it’s very difficult to stay self-motivated. A Ph.D. should not be miserable, where I’m always sorry to hear stories of people who are not enjoying their PhDs. We can plan to meet up with friends off-campus, take fun classes like language learning, swimming, and travel as often as I can.


3)Ignore time-consuming distractions. Throughout the day there is any number of interesting conversations, problems, distractions that can be fun or intellectually engaging but may not be relevant to your work. Do take breaks, get to know your colleagues, as some of those side conversations are where the best ideas come from. But, know when to walk away from something that will just be a waste of time. And as you get farther along in your Ph.D., new projects may arise that interest you, but if you want to graduate on time, it’s best to limit your role in them.


4) Remember the big picture. Make sure you map out your milestones to graduation and keep track of your progress towards making them every day. A Ph.D. is a long and winding road, and sometimes it feels like you aren’t making progress. To help with this, put everything you do in the context of your path to graduation. If what you’re currently working on is not going to help you get your Ph.D., step back and reconsider your day.



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