Steps to Get Medical Insurance on Work Visa in Montreal

Call the medical insurance staff at 514 864-3411 to register yourself for medical insurance. They will ask you for personal details so must have your work permit with you before calling. It's better that you have your SIN number with you too. It is extremely important that you do this procedure as soon as you arrive in Canada. The telephone operator will collect all the data and will post the insurance form at the given address.

The medical insurance form will arrive at your address. You have to check the form for corrections. If there is any mistake, you may correct it using a pen. Further, attach a photocopy of your work permit photocopy. On the form, it is written that you have to provide the original work permit. This form was created before the pandemic so there is no need to attack the original work permit. There will be an envelop,  in the letter. You will need to put the form and work permit copy in the envelop and go to Canada post to stamp the letter and send it back.. If you don't receive the form in two weeks, you need to call back the number again. 


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