Life Goes On

I was feeling a bit emotional today. I recently received a call from my father he just left my son on his first day at school, and I can feel that he was intensely worried as my son was weeping while going to school. He told me that I will not go home after leaving him in the school will go to the vegetable market and drink tea at some restaurant to pass the two teasing hours worrying about my son.

How time changes, it is reminding me about my grandmother, who used to drop me at the school and sit at a Dhaba (small restaurant) near my school until two hours pass by, and then she used to come to the teacher and asked her to leave me as it was enough for that day. I still remember how horrible was my initial days at school it was a kind of prison, you live freely without any responsibility and suddenly you need to start a routine that you never have thought about.
All my memories have been recalled today, how I used to be anxious while starring towards the school gate waiting for my grandmother.
However, its life it goes on like this from school to college, to job to family, and finally death you have to fulfill a responsibility.

I was cycling towards the canteen for the dinner meanwhile and the song (mere bachpan ke din) suddenly appeared on my lips.

My son will also get used to it and will enjoy his school time, it is a part of life, however, it reminded my own past which made me nostalgic. 


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