Digital Marketing Trends in 2017

This article has been published by Khaleej Magzine 
Companies sell their business by using marketing and research. Information technology has direct influence on marketing and marketing strategies also evolve with the new developments in information technology. Digital marketing is the modern form of product marketing and due to the rapid development of technology, digital marketing is targeted by all modern businesses. Latest advances in mobile platforms has also effected digital marketing with mobile centered market content growing day by day. 

During the past some year’s digital marketing gained a lot of popularity. Marketing think tanks believe that rapid growth in the internet and web technology will continue in the next year and new companies will be starting business in the online world. Selecting appropriate audience to market your product is of great importance, this way marketing content reaches a specific audience and you get a good return of your marketing campaign.  Video marketing is not new as Facebook and YouTube are making use of it frequently in an efficient manner. Google is planning to start SERP (search engine result page) video advertising that will change the whole scenario of video advertising and marketing. Google is a big investor in the field of information technology and google entering in the video advertisement business will make video advertising more popular and we can expect video adds showing frequently on our screens. There is also a rapid shift towards mobile platforms and it will be the target for video advertisement companies. Following is a list of popular marketing trends that will remain prevalent in the year 2017.
Data analytics and Machine Learning
Data analytics and marketing statistics can offer what people are really looking for. New developments in Big Data, Data Mining and Social Network Analytics can assist in assessing opinions and dominant trends over the internet and extract meaningful information from the data. Google's SEO (search engine optimization) algorithms will become increasingly important in the market perspective in 2017. Internet companies such as Facebook, Google and even individually owned small companies process data efficiently and precisely to learn about the opinion of their users.  

The gigantic amount of data and availability of the processing technologies will play an important role in the current era and this will remain a dominating factor in the field of digital marketing in the year 2017. Without machine learning it is difficult to process and manipulate huge amount of data like purchase behaviors, use of mobile apps, visit to a website and previous advertisement outcomes. After the data extraction process it is easy for a computer to process the data and predict next action to be taken by using machine learning algorithms.
 Video Technology for Advertisements Marketing
A picture is worth thousand words is an old saying and a video is worth thousand pictures is the new version of this quotation. Video ads are rapidly getting importance and are also widely bring accepted by the intended audience, they deliver your message and represents the brand with an effective way. It is one of the most popular method of advertisement on the social media to reach the desired customers. One of the most popular way of video advertising is live streaming videos on Facebook and YouTube.

 The video ad field will get more importance in the next year as well as their may be new change in the Google search results display that will allow video ads.  
Mobile Marketing Trends
Optimization of mobile platforms will continue during the year 2017. And there will be new mobile brands joining the already crowded mobile manufacturing companies. Customers are always in search of new mobile devices that can ease their way of working and living. With the advent of wearable devices by Apple, new companies are also expanding their research in this area. 

Now marketing brands will try to reach out these platforms so that they can reach more and more customers. Desktop platforms are not going to be vanished soon but mobile market will tend to increase its share as compared to desktops.
Marketing Automation using Artificial Intelligence
Marketing automation is mandatory for efficient marketing business management. Kit software is a customer relationship management software (CRM) that assist marketers to build new goals, marketing agendas, content selection and use of social networks for marketing. It can assist users to make marketing plan and communicate with business owners directly.  

New technologies like have been evolved to assist individuals to automate the manual tasks. Digital marketing has also been blessed with the development of Kit, it is an incredible step to do business in an efficient way. Use of artificial intelligence in the marketing is not much common so it requires a huge effort to be done to make it perfect. New trends in digital marketing in 2017 will experience a lot of new work in this area. Microsoft chat-bot although was not much successful in the first attempt but it was a great step towards robotic technology in this area.

Big scale organizations will be in search of larger marketing data sets, machine learning and artificial intelligence so that they can get benefit from the available data and implement it for their profit. New trends and research in marketing intelligence and decrease in costs of computing will create new opportunities in this field. Creating marketing strategy will be easier in the year 2017. Marketing automation software platforms are designed to help the marketing work force in their work. The use of marketing automation tools will be increased in the year 2017.
 This is just a small overview of some of trends in digital marketing. Actually the year 2017 will experience a revolution for the marketing campaigns, it will experience change in the purchasing behaviors of people with more and more people adding up to the online community and increasing the use of digital marketing. 


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