When the Nature Sings

This article has been published by Micro China blogs
“The day lord created hope was probably the same day He created the spring” Bern Williams. Yes, it is the spring that creates a sense of liveliness in every living being. A beautiful fragrance that is prevailed all around makes you feel “yes it is spring”. The wilderness of clouds, the chirping birds, the butterflies kidding a sense of optimism and cheerfulness makes you feel “Yes this is spring”. Nature at its boom that is what makes you feel “Yes this is spring”.
Fig01:Blossoming of flowers during spring [Source]
The sadness of fall season and the bleakness of winter that is prevalent in the dry leaves, in the lonely evenings and the hardships of cold makes you blue. It seems that the spirit and the enthusiasm has dropped to its lowest level. The grass tends to get brown and the leave-less trees gives you grimed feelings. But eventually one starts feeling some change, yes spring is at the doors. The dim days of winter start to get sunny days of spring.
After the mid of January you start feeling like a party is getting ready for you. As it is a bit farther you can only feel some of its glimpses like the day time is going to be increased. A bit relief in the wild coldness, the dark and shady evenings are going to get pleasant. And you still feel the sun light after your office hours. As soon as February reaches one feels a spectacular change in the atmosphere, the nature is giving you its signals as I am going to awake. As this month passes there is wide change in the nature and one observes the blossoming of buds and wheat crop blooming.
Fig02: A wheat crop in the spring season [Source]
The trees start getting new leaves that looks very beautiful on the barren tree twigs.
If you are a keen observer of nature you will start observing the sounds of bird’s chirping at nights. As a true lover of spring I use to awake late nights to sit on the roof top and listen to this bird chirping, in the silent and moon lit night it gives you a soulful experience. Especially Koel bird strikes your heart and you start wondering in the strange world, a world you have never seen before. There is a brilliance in the sunshine at the days of spring that triggers you to do something new something that has never done before.
 Fig 03: The yellow mustard greens field [Image By:Ali Asghar]
In Asian region the start of spring is observed with the yellowish color of mustard flowers in the fields, it will be yellowish everywhere in the fields. At the boom of spring this yellowish color flowers lose their shade as this crop is going to be ready to harvest. It give your eyes a peaceful comfort to observe beautiful colors of spring. And the dew on the green grass gives you a very spirited experience if you walk on it bare feet. Whenever you go outside you feel that the nature has awaken and it is asking you to dance and enjoy with the hopping colors of this beautiful season.
 Fig04: A sun set view and pathway between two wheat crop fields  [Image By: Ali Asghar]
 The farmers are happy to see their crops ready to harvest that will give them earnings. This beautiful season has brought for them money, their patience and hard work has been resulted in a beautiful reward from their Lord. 
 Fig05: Farmers busy in harvesting wheat crop just after spring [Source]

Soon farmers will be getting busy in harvesting their crops which will prosper them and give them new spirit to get ready for the new crop. In Punjab farmers will enjoy this period in the form of cultural gatherings called Lok Mela’s where people from around the area gather and enjoy different food stalls, sports and music.

 Fig06: A view of traditional lok mela [Source]

Seasons have great relationship with the nature of humankind because they are true repellent of a human life. The cycle of the seasons has some meaning with life and if one observes this cycle he will find a strong relationship between life and seasons. As spring gives birth and reawakens life from slumber in our lives spring can be defined as a period of starting new projects, sewing new seeds and coming up with new ideas. This is a time to adjust health, physical and mental well-being. Spring teaches us of hope and optimism such that the bleak days of life will change with beautiful reborn days of spring. Also the spring teaches us to be patient and tolerant and wait until you will be rewarded for this suffering. It also teaches that everything in life that's worth a damn is worth putting your all into even if there is a chance you may not succeed. 


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