Punjabi, a Miss Treated Language

Punjabi is considered as the language of illiterate people in Pakistani Punjab. Educated people here are doing their best to make this language diminish. They don't speak Punjabi with their children, they consider that the Punjabi lacks in manners. There is not a single newspaper that is being published in Punjabi nor do we have a better music or film industry that can protect this language.
As opposed to their neighbors, east Punjabis' have a strong relationship with their language. They have their school education in Punjabi. Many newspapers are published in this language and off-course they have strong music and film industries that play their part in the progress of this language. Here, the problem is the scripting style of both sides of Punjab is different. In east Punjab, it is Gurumukhi while Arabic in the west. So, whatever people in the east are doing is merely fruitful for themselves.
Pakistan government is playing a great role in protecting Punjabi language and we should be thankful to them for doing its best to lower down the literacy level so that those who are illiterate keep on speaking Punjabi and hence keeping this language alive.

Mitr pyaaray noo, haal mureedaan da kehna [Siri Guru Gobind Ji]


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